===== Languages of Jaiman ===== === Cladesbri === Secret language of the Gnolls in Northern Jaiman. === Erlin === Erlini elves (Common elven language sometimes known as Ithur). A distinct Jaiman dialect though. === Glumac === A written language only, mostly used by the Gnomes. === Gobli === A variant of Lugrok and Rhaya, spoken by Goblins. (Rhaya -7, Lugrok -3) === Grimir === Dwarven secret tongue, never taught to non Dwarves. === Iylar === Language of the Iylari, a truly global language (Spoken iylar is very difficult for non elves, multiply cost by 4, and by 2 for half elves). === Kad === Ogres. There is no written language. It is a crude variant of Rhaya. (Rhaya -6) === Kayvis === Unique language with very wast iconic alphabet, spoken by the Ky'Taari, sometimes known as Sicam. === Korsk === Language of the Saralins. A variant of Rhaya and Thokot (Rhaya -7, Thokot -7) === Laranian === Larian tounge, a variant of Zori. (-5 Zori) === Lasutt === Udahirs. === Lugrok === The crude tongue of the Lugrokies. === Melur === A mix of Zori and Rhaya spoken by the Melurians. (Zori -5, Rhaya -6) === Myr === Talaths and Myri, a very complex, musical lilting language (Doubble cost for non-Talaths) === Plasi === Language of the Plasidarians. A variant of Laranian (Laranian -5, Zori -7) === Punkari === Local language og the wild elves of Uruland, a distant relative of Erlini and Iylar === Ranaka === Dûranarkies, a unusual murmuring tounge. Also known as Xaatyn (Rarely taught to non Dûranarkies). === Rhaya === Common Language of Jaiman, the written Rhaya is quite simple with crude verb endings etc. === Seoltang === Trading language of nothern Jaiman a close variant of Rhaya, with more sophisticated number and measurement terms. (Rhaya -1) === Schnart === Garks, No written language, a simple variant of Rhaya (Rhaya -4) === Shulur === Underwater language of the Shuluri === Suluni === Language of the Suluni, similar to Rhaya in many ways. (-5 Rhaya) === Theros === Common language of the GarlonMen in Wuliris. === Thokot === Haidic people, also known just as Haidic. === Yin === Yinka language, a hissing, whispering tounge, unrelated to any other Jaiman language === Zori === Spoken by the Zoris, also known as Rhakai or Zoridar. ( Laranian -5 )