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Common language of the GarlonMen in Wuliris.


Secret language of the Gnolls in Northern Jaiman.

Erlin Erlini elves (Common elven language sometimes known as Ithur). A distinct Jaiman dialect though.

Grimir Dwarven secret tongue, never taught to non Dwarves.

Iylar Language of the Iylari, a truly global language (Spoken iylar is very difficult for non elves, multiply cost by 4, and by 2 for half elves).

Gnoll Gnolls (Secret language, never spoken in front of non-Gnolls), also known as claedsbrim.

Melur A mix of Zoridar and Rhaya spoken by the Melurians.

Glumac A written language only, mostly used by the Gnomes.

Plasi Language of the Plasidarians.

Kad Ogres (No written language, a variant of Rhaya).

Seoltang Trading language of nothern Jaiman a variant of Rhaya, with more sophisticated number and measurement terms.

Rhaya Common Language og Jaiman, 7 distinct dialects .

Rhakai Zorians, also known as Zoridar or Zori

Lasutt Udahirs.

Thokot Haidic people, also known just as Haidic.

Ranaka Dûranarkies, a unusual murmuring tounge. Also known as Xaatyn (Rarely taught to non Dûranarkies).

Korsk Language of the Saralins.

Myr Talaths and Myri, a very complex, musical lilting language (Doubble cost for non-Talaths)

Yin Yinka language, a hissing, whispering tounge, unrelated to any other Jaiman language

Laranian Larian tounge (Variant of Zoridar).

Kayvis Erlin variant with different alphabet, spoken by the Ky'Taari, sometimes known as Sicam.

Suluni Language of the Suluni, similar to Seoltang in many ways.

Shulur Underwater language of the Shuluri

Lugrok The crude tongue of the Lugrokies.

Gobli A variant of Lugrok and Rhaya, spoken by Goblins.

Schnart Garks (No written language).

sw/maps/sprog_pa_jaiman.1374537639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/07/23 00:00 by gm