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Bombur Whalendhorf

(Dwarf, Fighter) Jesper Vogt
Level: 3 * 07 Jan 6008 + 22 Okt 6052
Aka: Bomb, Den sure lille dwærg
Mottos/Quotes: “Bzz Bzz Bzz Bzz” (hviske tiske)
History: Bombur Whalendhorf was killed when he alone was fighting against atleast 20 undead warriors, Bombur maimed plenty of them, but the skeletons was getting the upper hand, so a tarotmage known as Picard Estragon fired a coldball into the mob of undeads, but this unfortuanetely only made it worse for poor Bombur, he was stunned by the freezing rays, and the skeletons was not, poor Bombur was torn to pieces, by these terrible monsters of Tarek Nev.

sw/pcs/bombur_whalendhorf.1317772890.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/28 01:01 (external edit)